Patient Safety

DSIMSH is committed to your safety and encourages you or your family to be actively involved in your care. You can become involved by knowing what we do to keep you safe, knowing how we prevent infections, and how we prevent adverse events during your stay. Here are some of the steps we take to keep you safe and general safety information for you to consider in becoming active in your own care.

What We Do

  • Regularly ask you your name and birth date.
  • Label any blood/specimen/urine containers in your presence.
  • Wash our hands before and after patient care. If we do not wash our hands, please ask us to.
  • Keep you informed about the plan for your care.
  • If you are going to have a procedure or surgery
  • We verify the correct procedure/surgery.
  • The staff are first trained on the EHS (Environment/Health/Safety) issues of safe handling of food, equipment, uniforms and other issues, the staff are continuously sent for refresher programs and well equipped to handle all issues for the overall safety and happiness of the patient/ and attendants.
  • The staff takes great care to prepare and expedite the appropriate physician-ordered diet order for patients.

What You Can Do

  • Ask questions of all patient care providers and express any concerns that you have.
  • Know your medications and why you take them.
  • Wash your hands before you leave your room, when you return to your room, before and after using the bathroom, before and after meals. Ask staff to wash their hands before they provide care to you.
  • Do not tamper with any equipment being used in your care.
  • In the event of fire, follow the directions of Hospital staff.
  • If you have diabetes, discuss with your doctor how to control your blood sugar before, during, and after your hospital stay.
  • Ask family/friends not to visit if they are not feeling well.
  • The use of tobacco products of any kind are prohibited both inside and outside Hospital property and grounds.
  • If you need any help, ask for it.